1. Name, registered office, address and year of establishment
Insula Institute for Integrative Therapy Research non-profit GmbH
Aronstabweg 2, 30559 Hanover
Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Florian Beißner
Year of foundation: 2020
2. Complete statutes and information on the organisation’s objectives
The Insula Institute promotes science, research and education in the field of integrative medicine.
Integrative medicine describes a practice that focuses on the whole person , emphasizes the importance of the therapist-patient relationship , is evidence- based, and utilizes all relevant therapeutic options, health professions, and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing .
Of particular importance for our goals are the research into traditional medical systems, therapeutic procedures and human images, as well as the further development of science itself.
You can find our complete statutes here .
3. Information on tax relief
According to the notice of exemption from the tax office, the Insula Institute isHanover-North (tax number 25/206/60079) dated 31 August 2023 for the lastassessment period 2022 in accordance with Section 5 (1) No. 9 of the German Corporation Tax Actfrom corporation tax and in accordance with Section 3 No. 6 of the Trade Tax Actfrom trade tax.
The corporation is tax-privileged due to the promotion ofscience and research (Section 52 (2) sentence 1 no. 1 AO) and education(§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no. 7 AO)
4. Name and function of key decision-makers
Shareholders of the Insula Institute
Prof. Dr. Florian Beißner (Scientific Director, full-time)
Dr. Anna Maria Schweizer-Arau Mussons (Medical Director, voluntary)
Prof. Dr. Urs-Vito Albrecht (voluntary)
Managing directors
Anna Kristina Beißner (full-time)
5. Activity report
The annual report is available to you in a format optimized for screen viewing and in a print view:
Insula Institute Annual Report 2023- online version (German)
Insula Institute Annual Report 2023- Print Version (German)
Insula Institute Annual Report 2022- online version (German)
Insula Institute Annual Report 2022- Print Version (German)
Insula Institute Annual Report 2021- online version (German)
Insula Institute Annual Report 2021- Print Version (German)
6. Personnel structure
The Insula Institute employs 3 full-time employees. The full-time scientific director forms the general meeting with 2 volunteer members. In addition, the 3 members of the scientific advisory board work on a voluntary basis.
Full-time employees:
Prof. Dr. Florian Beißner (Scientific Director)
Anna Kristina Beißner (Management)
Dr. Antonia Pfeiffer (Scientific Assistant)
7. Information on the source of funds
You can find information about this on pages 38-41 in our annual report.
8. Information on the use of funds
You can find information about this on pages 38-41 in our annual report.
9. Corporate ties with third parties
There is no corporate affiliation with third parties.
10. Names of persons whose annual payments represent more than 10% of the total annual budget
For the year 2022:
Horst Görtz Foundation, Taunusstrasse 38A, 61267 Neu-Anspach
Dr. Anna Maria Schweizer-Arau Mussons, Herrenstraße 7, 86911 Dießen (Partner)